Here’s me at that troubled institution, the UN Security Council, which I’ve attended as a member of no less than five different delegations, but mostly the UK where I served at the UK Mission for over four years.
I've worked in diplomacy for over 30 years, for the last sixteen advising democratic countries and political movements all over the world. I was a British diplomat for sixteen years before that: I resigned after giving secret evidence into the Iraq War.
This blog is about what’s really going on: what are the deeper forces shaping events and how to understand them. I’ve learned a number of different tools to help interpret the world ranging from complexity theory to post-structuralism and systems analysis. I employ those tools to offer fresh and unusual insight into political events, economic forces, mental ontologies, war, the state and capitalism.
I founded the world’s first non-profit diplomatic advisory group, Independent Diplomat. I’ve worked with governments and political movements all over the world, from Myanmar to Syria, Kosovo and Pacific island states. I’ve written two books, a third is on the way, and scores of articles, opeds and commentaries. I’m a regular commentator on the BBC, LBC and Al Jazeera. And I believe that anarchism is a plausible solution to our troubled democracies. There’s a BBC documentary film about me and my ideas, Accidental Anarchist. You can see more about me here.
I hope you find the blog interesting. I welcome comments and discussion. We’re always learning. I also have a podcast and offer an online course in analytical tools.