The development of your thinking over time resonates with me - and I have concluded that indeed any political ideology/philosophy (which overlaps with religion - and culture overall) cannot be meaningfully discussed unless one has understood what one is oneself - from which is derived how one wants to be in society and what life one wants to lead - which leads on to those higher concepts which should permit those. Of course, following this process (beause it is rarely a big-bang enlightenment, rather an evolution by distinct transformations) may lead us away from society as a whole because we cannot change it to be able to bear it - but we may find aother - or a (however small) subset within one which suits us.
The development of your thinking over time resonates with me - and I have concluded that indeed any political ideology/philosophy (which overlaps with religion - and culture overall) cannot be meaningfully discussed unless one has understood what one is oneself - from which is derived how one wants to be in society and what life one wants to lead - which leads on to those higher concepts which should permit those. Of course, following this process (beause it is rarely a big-bang enlightenment, rather an evolution by distinct transformations) may lead us away from society as a whole because we cannot change it to be able to bear it - but we may find aother - or a (however small) subset within one which suits us.
Thanks for commenting Martin. Yes, I think we agree. In my case it certainly was not a big-bang enlightenment but a much more gradual process.